Day 13 of 83 – Pray, MT to Big Sky, MT to Yellowstone and back to Pray, MT #BoxsterRoadTrip

Day 13 of our #BoxsterRoadTrip and Oh, what a day this has been!

IMG_1815IMG_1819IMG_1823We started the day with a trip from Pray MT to Big Sky MT to see Jo’s cousin Janet (whom she hadn’t seen in over 50 years)!  With a stop at Starbucks in Bozeman (of course).  Once again, we got to drive up a gravel road!  I’m beginning to think our Boxster thinks it is an SUV!


IMG_1830IMG_1828It was great to see Janet and to meet her husband, Paul.  Time seemed to fly as we visited for several hours and, once again, we wished we had more time to spend.  But we really wanted to get to Yellowstone and see the west side of the park before it got dark.  So down the gravel road we drove and off to Yellowstone’s West Entrance we headed!


IMG_1842IMG_1838The first things we saw in the park were bison (there are no buffalo in the United States).  I think Steve did a great job of photographing these beautiful animals.  We actually saw a herd, but thought the close ups were better.




TIMG_1852IMG_1850IMG_1845hen, on our way to Old Faithful (who is not too faithful anymore), we stopped at Fountain Paint Pots and snapped a few more photos.



20140913_182336Then it was on to the big fella, where we had to sit and wait for just over an hour before she blew!  But it was worth it, because not only did we see the geyser, but we also got to see a rainbow in the geyser’s spray.

It was 9:30 pm by the time we got back to the lovely B&B where we are staying (O’Carroll’s Bed & Breakfast).



The journey continues . . .


One Response to “Day 13 of 83 – Pray, MT to Big Sky, MT to Yellowstone and back to Pray, MT #BoxsterRoadTrip”

  1. Jan Taylor says:

    Loving the blog so far keep it up xxxxx

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