Day 26 – Swisher, IA to Plattsmouth, NE

Day 26 of #BoxsterRoadTrip took us from Swisher, Iowa to Plattsmouth, Nebraska.

IMG_2333IMG_2336We left our friends Amy & Al in Swisher, IA at 8:30 am and headed to the Amana Colonies.  We wandered around the East Amana and took a tour of the woolen mill.  If there would have been any room in the Porsche I might have bought something, but space is at a premium!



IMG_2350IMG_2352We left Amana and headed for Madison County, of the famous Bridges of Madison County movie and the birthplace of John Wayne.  We stopped for lunch at the Northside Café, which was featured in the movie and then went on to John Wayne’s house.  After than, we headed for the bridges.  We managed to drive by four of them (Imes, Holliwell, Cutler-Donahue, Rosewell) before time ran short and we had to boogie on down the road to Plattsmouth, Nebraska.

Imes Bridge

Imes Bridge

Holliwell Bridge

Holliwell Bridge

Cutler-Donahue Bridge

Cutler-Donahue Bridge

Rosewell Bridge

Rosewell Bridge








IMG_2392We arrived at the lovely Airbnb “County Living at it’s Finest” at 6:30 pm and our lovely hosts, Herb & Joyce, fed us dinner, complete with Margaritas!  That is true Midwestern hospitality!

We are up early tomorrow for, as I keep saying . . .

The journey continues . . .

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