Day 34 – Hamilton, ON to Geneva, NY

Day 34 of #BoxsterRoadTrip and we have left Canada and headed back to the USA!

IMG_2656IMG_2665We left Hamilton, Ontario after another beautiful view from the balcony of the Airbnb where we stayed and we headed off to Geneva NY.  We did get on the Canadian equivalent of an Interstate (is that an Interprovince?) and took that to the border crossing where we sat and sat and sat.  Another display of organized chaos!  Or is it dis-organized chaos?  We finally made it through and headed down the long (and less stressful) US-20.

IMG_2667All in all, it was a rather uneventful day, except of the rainstorm that started once we got inside Starbucks (with our umbrellas still in the car, of course).  A little wetter, we continued on and the sun came out after 30 minutes or so.  From that point on, it was beautiful.


We stopped for lunch at the Village of Leroy, NY, where we learned that this area also has barn quilts.  I have included some of the barn quilt photos so you can see how different each one is.


This evening we are staying at an Airbnb called “Historic Victorian 1 central Geneva“.  We joined the host and hostess for dinner at a cute restaurant in town called the Beef & Brew, which was a perfect end to a nice day.  Tomorrow . . .

The journey continues . . .


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