Day 38 – Great Barrington, MA to Eaton, NH

Day 38 of #BoxsterRoadTrip has us in three states – Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire!

IMG_2826We left Great Barrington, Massachusetts after one heck of a rain storm (including some hail) last night.  Roads were still wet and the sky was grey and menacing, so we didn’t get very many photos in the early day.  By 10:30 am we were crossing the state line into Vermont and on our way to Grafton to sample some Grafton Village Cheese.  On the way, the GPS guided Jo to a road that said “Winding Gravel Road for Next 9 Miles”.  Jo said “No way” and Steve said “Oh, just do it”.  So another gravel road on our travels.  I swear, the Boxster is beginning to think it is a Cayenne!

On a side note, I am disappointed that the foliage is still not at peak color (or even close).  There is a little color, but so far, not much.

IMG_2833IMG_2851We left Vermont and crossed into New Hampshire.  On our way to our destination of Eaton, we passed a little cottage in the woods!  Can you imagine having a home like this in the middle of the forest?




IMG_2858IMG_2869IMG_2865Along the way, we did enjoy some fantastic scenery (but not much fall color).  Nonetheless, we traveled on to Eaton, NH, where we are staying at the Inn at Crystal Lake and Palmer House Pub.  This establishment is both a lovely and quaint B&B and also a Pub / Restaurant, which we plan to avail ourselves of shortly.

Tomorrow we travel to Maine.

The journey continues . . .


One Response to “Day 38 – Great Barrington, MA to Eaton, NH”

  1. Doug Harmon says:

    “On the Road” with Steve & Jo Kuralt. Can I be Andy Rooney, please?

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