Day 39 – Eaton, NH to Winterport, ME

Day 39 of #BoxsterRoadTrip takes us from New Hampshire to Maine.

IMG_2886IMG_2885We left the lovely Eaton, New Hampshire and the Inn at Crystal Lake (a beautiful lake, as you can see by the photos) and we headed east to Maine.  We were surprised when, after what seemed like only a few minutes, we saw the “State Line Maine” sign.  We were now entering the state that would take us to our most eastern part of this journey.  And to our 24th state (we are halfway there, as far as number of states go).


IMG_2894IMG_3002IMG_2899As we travelled east, we passed a number of lakes, and we took loads of photos.  However, Jo is still disappointed in the foliage – she says it is not yet at peak.  But we were not disappointed when we crossed the Penobscot Narrows Bridge.  It is spectacular.  We crossed it twice – late morning and then late afternoon.  Both times were pretty awesome!

IMG_2914IMG_2972IMG_2961The objective today was to go to Acadia National Park, which was every bit as beautiful as we were told it would be.  We drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain  where the views were amazing and then we took the loop road around the park.  And it was such a perfect day, we did this “topless”!  Not bad for October in Maine.


IMG_2983IMG_2989We ended the day with dinner at Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound which is the first of many lobster dinners Jo intends to have before leaving New England!

Tomorrow we head south and . . .

The journey continues . . .


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