Day 51 – Strasburg, VA to Lexington, VA

Day 51 of #BoxsterRoadTrip finds us going from Virginia to Virginia (never leaving the state).

IMG_3462IMG_3464IMG_3499Today was a day of living on the edge (or, better put, the ridge).




IMG_3503IMG_3509IMG_3526We started the day taking the Skyline Drive (Shenandoah National Park) from Front Royal, VA to Waynesboro, VA, a distance of 105 beautiful miles.  Although the morning started out cool and misty, by 11:00 the sun was out, the top was down, and we were enjoying the scenery as we traveled the twisty road along the ridge of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

IMG_3515IMG_3552IMG_3560After stopping for a late lunch in Waynesboro, VA, we headed for the Blue Ridge Parkway, to continue meandering southward.  The Blue Ridge Parkway is actually 469 miles long, but we only traveled the first 47 miles (or about 10%).  By 4:00, with the sky looking rather ominous, we put the top up and five minutes later the rain came down!  However, the 47 miles we did travel on the Blue Ridge Parkway were beautiful.

We are spending the night at a lovely Airbnb in Lexington, VA called “Near Lexington cozy room w adj bath“.  Tomorrow we head to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to stay with our dear friends Pam & Dennis.

The journey continues . . .

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