Day 65 – Sightseeing in Asheville, NC

Day 65 of #BoxsterRoadTrip has us sightseeing in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina!

20141104_11595720141104_12004220141104_123404We started the day with a trip to the Asheville Farmers Market, where Jo had her first taste of boiled peanuts.  Since it was a weekday, the market was smaller than a weekend market, but still had loads of food and crafts.  After leaving there, we headed to the Basilica of St Lawrence in downtown Asheville.  A lovely church.


20141104_13523320141104_135440We wandered around town and did a little shopping before heading to 12 Bones for lunch.  Great barbeque!  And Steve even signed the wall!





IMG_3929IMG_3938IMG_3940After lunch we headed to the Biltmore Estate and we walked and we walked and then we walked some more.  The estate is HUGE and it is really too bad you can’t take any photos inside, but we did get some beautiful shots of the outside of our new summer home!


BE_HSE_110414_151853347_01_BE18YBC4066IMG_3943Overall, we walked over 5 miles today (and we are all feeling the after effects).   But it was worth every minute and every aching muscle!

We had a lovely dinner at The Corner Kitchen in the Biltmore Village (after walking around some more!).

Tomorrow we head to Nashville and . . .

The journey continues. . .

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