Day 68 – Nashville, TN to Memphis, TN

Day 68 of #BoxsterRoadTrip is a trip from Nashville to Memphis, Tennessee.

IMG_3981IMG_3988IMG_3996We left Nashville after an early breakfast and headed for the back roads.  The rain was gone and the day was sunny but COLD.  Along the way we saw lots of cotton, most of which had been harvested; however, there are still a few fields waiting to be harvested.


Speaking of cold, there is a huge storm, the remains of Typhoon Nuri, which is about to hit Alaska and head south, bringing frigid weather with it.  And it will hit us in two days, most likely while we are in Dallas.  The weather is expected to drop 30 degrees in one day!  Brrrrrrr!


IMG_3991IMG_3995IMG_3994As we drove into Memphis, we saw lots of cute brick and rock homes (something we don’t see in California).  A nice change from the Spanish Style we are used to seeing.



20141107_18390820141107_19014020141107_190714We checked into the Marriott’s Residence Inn in downtown Memphis and then headed to Beale Street.  We had dinner at Blues City Café, where we enjoyed the food as well as the service!  Our server, Lonnie, was a lot of fun and took excellent care of us and made wonderful recommendations.  If you stop at this well known establishment, ask for Lonnie!


After listing to some of the music (I’m not the best at doing videos, so be merciful on me) and doing a little people watching, we headed back to the hotel.  Tomorrow we go on the search for Elvis and . . .

The journey continues . . .

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