Day 9 of 83 – Seattle, WA to Coeur d’Alene, ID #BoxsterRoadTrip

IMG_1631IMG_1640 Started Day 9 of #BoxsterRoadTrip with a little bit of rain.  We know it was rain because we looked it up on Wikipedia (not being too sure because we haven’t actually seen rain for so long we forgot what it looked like).  But, yep, it was rain!  However, it didn’t take too long for the sun to come out and make us very sorry that we had on long sleeves and long pants.  The temperature went from mid 50’s to mid 80’s in a little over an hour.  Yowee, were we toasty for the rest of the day.

IMG_1645IMG_1649Our first stop today was in Leavenworth, WA, a little town in the mountains that reminds one of a village in Bavaria.  It is charming and absolutely filled with flowers.




IMG_1659 IMG_1657Our second stop was in Wenatchee, WA, where we had brunch at a lovely restaurant called The Wild Huckleberry.  Another great meal!  And Wenatchee seemed like a very charming town.





I thought I’d share some scenery photos, to show you the variety of landscapes we saw today.  Everything from forests, to river, to apple & pear orchards, to high desert.  And, for my sister, some interesting rock formations.







IMG_1644Arrived at Coeur d’Alene and checked into the Greenbriar Inn around 5:30 pm and, once again, it has been a long day and we are ready to chill.

And the journey continues . . .

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