Day 1 of 83 – Bay Area to Arcata, CA #BoxsterRoadTrip

BB     No better way to start the day than a trip across the new Bay Bridge  . . .






Into San Francisco  SFO


GG #1GG #2     and on to the Golden Gate!  It doesn’t get much better than that!


We stopped for lunch at David’s in Fort Bragg (excellent food and very nice staff) after winding our way along Highway 1.  Wow, what beautiful scenery and, oh so many twists and turns!

Highway 1 #1Highway 1 #2


We ended the evening with a light supper at the Plaza Grill.  We are spending our first night at an eclectic Airbnb called “House in Downtown Arcata“.  We have our own private upstairs room & bath and the pillow is calling to me!  It has been a long day.

The journey continues. . .

2 Responses to “Day 1 of 83 – Bay Area to Arcata, CA #BoxsterRoadTrip”

  1. Susan howarth says:

    We are really enjoying you adventure. Stop often and enjoy smelling the roses (and stretch your legs!) Xoxo

    • Susan howarth says:

      We are really enjoying your adventure. Stop often and enjoy smelling the roses (and stretch your legs!) Xoxo

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