Day 10 of 83 – Coeur d’Alene, ID to Kila, MT #BoxsterRoadTrip

IMG_1700Day 10 of our #BoxsterRoadTrip and we headed out a little later than usual (9:15 am) and our first stop was Starbuck’s for a good cup of coffee to get the day and our hearts started right.  It was a sunny day to start with but went downhill as the day progressed.  At one point in Montana, we had the windshield wipers on full blast.

I would have photos (I’ll add them later) but the camera cable is in the car and it is too darn cold to go get it.  So photos will get added to the blog later.

IMG_1702Even in the rain, the drive along US-2 was beautiful.  We stopped in Libby MT for lunch at a great little restaurant called “The Last Straw Café”.  Jo had breakfast and Steve had a burger.  The restaurant was homey, the menu was surprisingly extensive, the food was prepared perfectly (not everyone can do over-medium eggs right and these were perfect), and the staff was friendly.  If you ever find yourself in Libby MT, you would do well to stop here for a meal.

Anyway, the goal today was to get to Sue & Bill’s as early as possible so we had lots of time to get caught up.  We are only in Kila for 2 nights and we want to spend as much time as possible with Jo’s childhood “bestie”.

I am going to sign off for now – my battery is beeping and Steve also left the power cable out in the cold car!

The journey continues . . .

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