Day 12 of 83 – Kila, MT to Pray, MT #BoxsterRoadTrip

Day 12 of #BoxsterRoadTrip.

IMG_1781It’s been an interesting couple of days.  De-iced the car two days in a row, seen our first snow and were turned back by an avalanche in Glacier National Park.   Not bad for early September and a couple of Californians.

A long run today, down to Pray, Montana – let’s hope we don’t have to (pray, that is).  First stop is to gas up after saying farewell to our wonderful hosts, Sue & Bill.  Along our Montana journey, we’ve noticed a huge number of casinos, but they are all small – very small – the size of a roadside café or a small shop on Main Street.  You wonder how they can survive.

IMG_1785Down the Swan River – gradually climbing through the Rockies.  Nothing like the verticals of the Sierra Nevadas.  The Rockies are much “gentler” than you imagine, but they rise to awesome peaks.  You don’t notice going from 4,040 feet on your way to 6,325 feet and the Continental Divide.  Amongst all this beauty there is the sadness of Montana’s white crosses.  These white crosses mark the site of fatal traffic accidents and memorialize each death since 1952.  Even with so many crosses, not all fatalities are marked.


IMG_1809 IMG_1810IMG_1813As we came to the end of this day’s journey, we realized we were driving into a semi-circle of magnificent snow capped mountains and down towards Yellowstone – our playground for Sunday.



One last thought for today:  We’d are taking input from family, friends and followers as to which state(s) we will be stopped in (by Dudley Do-Right) and who will be driving at the time!  🙂  Please place your bets!!!

The journey continues . . .

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