Day 19 – Minneapolis, MN

Day 19 of #BoxsterRoadTrip saw us sightseeing in and around Minneapolis.

IMG_2112IMG_2115IMG_2114Started the day by heading off to Stillwater.  Lovely little town (with some awesome huge homes) with what we thought of as dueling churches in the old part of town.  As you can see from the photo, there were five, just in this shot!  Who has the biggest spire? Hmmm.

We walked along the St Croix River and around town.

Then we headed back to Minneapolis.

IMG_2118IMG_2124We wanted to see the Guthrie Theater and the Endless Bridge and the Dowling Studio Lobby.  We almost scored tickets to the Heidi Chronicles but, unfortunately, there were no seats available.  A lovely lady whom we met at the theater really tried to get us in (for which we were most grateful), but it is opening night.  Oh well, we did get some wonderful shots from the bridge and from the lobby.


IMG_2136We ended the day with the intention of getting a salad for dinner and, instead, decided on Pierogi, which neither of us had ever tried.  Not exactly healthy, but certainly tasty!

Tomorrow we head off to Wisconsin Dells, WI for five nights (and a little resting from driving).  The first item on the to-do list is laundry!  Looking forward to chilling and not driving for a few days (at least not driving far).

The journey continues . . .

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