Day 2 of 83 – Arcata CA to Newport OR #BoxsterRoadTrip


1 Heading to OregonAfter a lovely breakfast at the Airbnb “House in Downtown Arcata“, we headed on to Oregon.  The trip started with a light fog and before long, we were in full sun, shaded only by the canopy of awe inspiring redwoods.  Such grandeur and beauty makes one feel very insignificant indeed.  And very grateful to have this opportunity!

2 Welcome to Oregon

We arrived in sunny Oregon in the late morning and continued our drive northward along the seashore.  Again, the scenery was fabulous.  Special care to keep to the speed limit, of course!


3 Seaside RocksThe shoreline and outcroppings are possibly even more spectacular than Highway 1 in California (if that is possible).



4 Wrong RoadAfter lunch and cheese sampling at Face Rock Creamery in Bandon OR, we headed north again.  Our via point was to be Sunset Bay State park, off of Highway 101.  BEWARE!  Setting your GSP to shortest route can have unforeseen consequences!  After two miles of lovely paved roadway, we found ourselves on a crushed rock single lane, twisty, inclining, “highway”.  This continued for another 6 miles (at a snail’s pace).  Boxsters are not designed for four-wheeling!  The GPS had decided that this backroads track was, in fact, the shortest route.  Got the adrenaline pumping.  We suddenly got dumped back onto a smooth “standard” road, that we could have taken the entire way, but would have cost us four extra miles at 7x the speed we traveled on the gravel road.  This is the road we ended up on . . .



7 Sunset Bay State Park 2 6 Sunset Bay State Park 1We did eventually end up at Sunset Bay State Park; indeed a beautiful bay and worth the journey.

8 Topless

And just to prove this is all being done in a Porsche Boxster (and not an RV), we took a picture of the topless beauty (the car, that is)!!!




9 Bridge 1 (of 6)Turned out that to get from this beautiful bay to our final destination of the day, we had to cross a large bridge.  In fact, the first of six large bridges.  Jo does not do well driving across large bridges and, of course, she was driving!  Steve says she did a great job (but he didn’t know her eyes were closed the whole time).

We ended the day in Newport OR, where we had dinner at the South Beach Fish Market – fish (halibut & salmon) & chips.  It was as good as it’s reputation.

We are spending this evening at a Bed & Breakfast called “The Grand Victorian” in Newport, Oregon, where we were served a shrimp cocktail and candied salmon upon arrival.

The journey continues . . .



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