Day 21 – Wisconsin Dells, WI Day Trips

Day 21 of our #BoxsterRoadTrip.

IMG_2166IMG_2170We started the day with some really cool clouds and a little bit of rain.  Steve wondered if these were tornado clouds and I assured him they weren’t.  (As if I know!)  We took the back roads from Wisconsin Dells to Theresa, WI to do some cheese tasting at Widmer’s Cheese Cellers.  Excellent cheese and we bought a chunk to have with some fresh bread we already had.  Great start to the day.



20140921_124309IMG_2169IMG_2168Next stop (again taking back roads), was Kelley Country Creamery.  You may remember me blogging about this earlier, saying this was one stop that was a definite “must do”.  I have to say we had a great time here.  First, the ice cream is to die for!  Jo had dark chocolate raspberry, coffee, and chocolate w/rice krispies.  Steve had coffee and mint marshmallow (and ate most of Jo’s dark chocolate raspberry).  While we were devouring our ice cream, Karen Kelley sat down and chatted with us.  We started talking about cheese (because they also make their own cheese) and Karen was nice enough to bring us some of their mature BallyByron to taste.  It is a great cheese and we brought some of that back with us also.  It reminds us of a nice English Red Leicester.

IMG_2183IMG_2181We left Kelley County Creamery and again started down a back road, this time heading back to Wisconsin Dells and a winery called Fawn Creek, by way of Manchester (making Steve feel right at home).  As we were driving along one of the back roads, we began to notice horse manure along both sides of the road.  And where there is horse manure, there are buggies!  So we knew we were in Amish country.  It didn’t take long before we began to see a number of buggies.  Almost commute traffic!


IMG_2191We ended the day at the Fawn Creek Winery looking for a bottle of wine to go with our wonderful cheeses.  We met one of the owners, Jim, and had a nice time tasting their wines and learning about their winery.  We ended up buying a Pinot Grigio and a Pinot Noir.

All in all, a very nice day.

The journey continues . . .

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