Day 23 – Wisconsin Dells, WI – A Lazy Day

IMG_2213Day 23 of #BoxsterRoadtrip was a lazy day.  Because tomorrow we start driving WEST.  Yep, that seems backward, but in order to visit every state, we have to do a little zigzagging.

IMG_2217IMG_2216We started the day late, after a sleep in and a lazy breakfast.  Our first stop was downtown Wisconsin Dells to take the River Walk.  It is a shame this is such a short walk as it is the prettiest part of Wisconsin Dells.  The Dells is really aimed at families with children, with lots of “theme parks” and inexpensive restaurants.  But for a couple of old fuddy duddies, it is really not the place.  Nonetheless, it was a good spot to take a laundry break and a few days with only short day trips.  Our next major stop is Boston, so tomorrow starts the next major leg of the journey.  To date, we have traveled a little over 5,000 miles.

IMG_2221Our second stop was at a farmer’s market to buy some fruit and veggies for dinner tonight.  A nice salad, some wine and fresh raspberries will make a perfect light meal.  The farmer’s market was fun and I would have loved to buy a lot more, but we only have one meal left before it is off to Cedar Rapids, IA.

We stopped for gas and then back to the condo to watch TV (something we haven’t done much of for the last 3 weeks), do a little reading and repack.  For tomorrow . . .

The journey continues . . .

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