Day 24 – Wisconsin Dells, WI to Swisher, IA

Day 24 of #BoxsterRoadTrip found us traveling west from Wisconsin Dells, WI to Swisher, IA.

IMG_2236IMG_2244IMG_2240When we left the Dells, it was rather cool but clear.  We started with the top up but by late morning, we had put the top down and were enjoying a warm autumn day as we crossed into Illinois.  Our first stop was in a lovely little town called Galena where, it seems, they sell dolls heads by the bowl full.  I know, a little sick, but Halloween is not too far off.  😉

IMG_2250As we were leaving Galena, IL, we discovered this had been the home of Ulysses S Grant prior to the civil war.





IMG_2278IMG_2295IMG_2292We left Galena and were soon crossing the mighty Mississippi and next thing we knew, we were in Iowa and it was raining.  The top went back up.  Then it was pretty much a straight shot into Cedar Rapids and then on to Swisher, where we are staying with our good friends Amy and Al (and dog Ember) for a couple of nights.  A lovely dinner, lots of visiting and we are both ready to call it a day.  Tomorrow will be a day of visiting and doing a little sightseeing.  And then on Friday . . .

The journey continues . . .


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