Day 25 – Swisher, IA Day Trips

Day 25 of #BoxsterRoadTrip was a day of sightseeing in the Cedar Rapids / Iowa City area.

IMG_2303IMG_2306The day started with a beautiful Iowa sunrise.  Then, after breakfast, it was off to the Devonian Fossil Gorge, an area created essentially by flooding (and this area has certainly seen more than its share of floods)!  As the linked website says “Imagine walking on a 375 million year old ocean floor!”.  Makes me feel like a youngster!

IMG_2310After the gorge, we headed to the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum in West Branch, IA.  Neither of us had ever been to a Presidential Library and this one was fascinating.  For example, I never knew Herbert Hoover was a Quaker.  I never knew that Herbert Hoover was the first president from west of the Mississippi.  We could have spent more time here but we did hit the highlights and it makes me want to read about the man and learn even more.

IMG_2317IMG_2323After lunch, we headed to the Field of Dreams in Dyersville, IA.  “Is this heaven?  No, it’s Iowa.”  And with the corn high, the sun out, the temperature in the 80’s, it was a perfect day to walk the bases and imagine you were there when the baseball greats walked out of the corn fields.  It is a beautiful spot and we had a great time.

The day ended with a lovely dinner with Amy & Al, their son, daughter-in-law and granddaughters.  And a dinner of pulled pork, cole slaw, potato salad and (of course) Iowa corn!

A perfect day, relaxing, sightseeing, visiting and getting ready to travel, for tomorrow . . .

The journey continues . . .

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