Day 28 – Nauvoo, IL to Mount Vernon, IL

Day 28 of #BoxsterRoadTrip took us from Nauvoo IL to Mount Vernon IL by way of Missouri.

IMG_2448Today was a day of rivers, corn, soybeans, more corn, more soybeans and Mark Twain!

We left Nauvoo and headed south, along the Mississippi River on our way to Hannibal, Missouri to visit the boyhood home of Mark Twain.  Steve had developed an optical nerve migraine, which was miraculously cured when we stopped at Starbuck’s for a coffee.  So he didn’t get out of his turn at diriving!


IMG_2456IMG_2460IMG_2455We reached Hannibal around 11:00 and meandered around the town, visited the Mark Twain Museum, and learned a little bit about the author of such greats as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  For instance, I did not know that Mark Twain also wrote A Connecticutt Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.  It was another sunny day and a great day for sightseeing.


IMG_2471After leaving Hannibal, we took backroads to Mount Vernon, Illinois, taking our own sweet time, crossing the Illinois River (another river!) and seeing lots more corn and soy bean fields.  It is amazing how much of this county is covered with those two crops!

Tonight we are staying at the Sidwell Friends Bed and Breakfast in Mt Vernon, Illinois.  This B&B is going to be a very tough act to follow – it is absolutely gorgeous!  We will take photos in the morning (when the sun comes up and we are a little more “with it”) and I’ll post a few in tomorrow’s blog.  For tomorrow . . .

The journey continues . . .

One Response to “Day 28 – Nauvoo, IL to Mount Vernon, IL”

  1. LJ says:

    I can’t wait to see the B&B.

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