Day 29 – Mount Vernon, IL to Bardstown, KY

Day 29 of #BoxsterRoadTrip is being brought to you by Steve!

Okay, I, Steve, have been given responsibility for today’s journalistic article.

IMG_2489So, this is the start of our fifth week on the road having covered 6,250 miles and 15 states so far, and with 12 days left to Boston.  Today is an Interstate day as there isn’t really an easy back roads way to get from here to there, so we do what we have to do – sit back and take it (the Interstate, that is).  Of course the border between Illinois and Indiana is a river, the Wabash, which means a bridge – and Jo is on driving duty!  But she doesn’t get off that lightly.  The route into Kentucky takes us across the Ohio River (and a bridge!), but at 70 MPH she’ll make it before her driving shift ends.

IMG_2478IMG_2479Larry, the Innkeeper at Sidwell & Friends, sent us off this morning with mugs full of great coffee, so Steve didn’t need to set up search patterns for Starbucks in either Illinois, Indiana or Kentucky!  Phew.  However, Jo has started her “Are we there yet?” routine, so maybe we do need to find her more coffee!

Fuel consumption (miles per gallon) continues to go up as the car is getting heavier due to the weight of the bugs attached to the front end.

You will notice the lack of photos for today’s trip as they have been kind of blurred due to the speed we seemed to be maintaining!  It appears that everyone heard we were going to travel the Interstate today because there seems to be very little traffic.  Our side is virtually deserted.  Maybe it is Monday or maybe everyone is just keeping clear of the crazy Californians!

As a sidebar, a suggestion for the Department of Transportation:  there should be signs on the Interstates and US Highways to tell you that there is a time zone change ahead.  This would make more sense than some of the signs you see along the way and be a lot more useful!  Anyway, turns out we lost an hour about 65 miles back.   Hope no one ran into it!

Jo commented around noon that she had not packed enough summer clothes.  She didn’t say whether that meant more clothes in total or less winter ones; but it is 85 degrees outside and it is the end of September!  We may be going shopping.

IMG_2497IMG_2495Interstate highways turn out to be even more monotonous than fields of corn and soy beans.  Another reason for no photos of the journey.  However, we did finally stop in Bardstown (known as the Bourbon capital of the world) to see if we could verify this claim.  Had a wonderful tour of the 1792 Distillery, complete with tasting.  We missed the annual Bourbon Festival by just a week!  Oh, darn!


IMG_2501After the distillery, we stopped at the Basilica of St Joseph Proto-Cathedral for a tour of the first cathedral west of the Alleghenies.

Tonight we are snuggling down at Red Rose Inn in Bardstown after a light supper at the local tavern.

(Editorial notes by Jo)

The journey continues . . .


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