Day 33 – Day Trip to Niagara Falls

IMG_2576Day 33 of #BoxsterRoadTrip and we had one thing on the agenda and that was to see the falls!

Jo woke up early to a spectacular view of Hamilton, Ontario from the living room of the Airbnb “Cozy upscale condo near city core“.  Not a bad way to start the day; and it even got better from there!

IMG_2580After a late breakfast, we decided to take the back roads from Hamilton to Niagara Falls (Canadian side).  That was a little bit of a mistake.  At one point we got detoured by a police barricade (with no hint as to where to go to get around it).  Then we encountered road repair after road repair.  But the weather was beautiful and we were, thankfully, in no hurry.  It took us about 90 minutes, but we finally reached Niagara, parked the car, and wandered down to the sidewalk that overlooks the falls.  The picture on the right was our first view of the falls.  OMG!!!!  There are just no photos that can truly capture the magnificence of Niagara Falls!  But we did take loads of photos, a few of which you can see below.


IMG_2627IMG_2618We took the Hornblower Niagara Cruise (it turned out to be about 15 minutes) for $20.00 each.  Best forty bucks we’ve ever spent.  The photos above were taken from the boat, as were those to the right.

After this spectacular, awe-inspiring cruise (and after drying out a bit) we went to lunch at the Sheraton Fallsview Restaurant, where we could continue oohing and aahing as we had enjoyed both lunch and the view (this time staying dry).  The last photo was taken from the Fallsview Restaurant.

IMG_2644Just as we got back to our car, it started to rain.  Now how is that for timing?

Tomorrow we head back to the USA and . . .

The journey continues . . .


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