Day 35 – Geneva, NY to Schenectady, NY

Day 35 of #BoxsterRoadTrip took us from Geneva, New York to Schenectady, New York.

IMG_2682IMG_2685Today was a day of history, both in the traditional sense of history and also in tracing some of Jo’s history.  We started by driving from Geneva to Seneca Falls, where we toured the Women’s Rights National Historic Park.  We toured the museum, watched a film on Women’s Rights and visited the Wesleyan Chapel, where the movement first began.  It was fascinating and a little bit intimidating to be in the same space as the great women who started the movement for equality.

IMG_2687We left Seneca Falls and Jo was in need of a Starbuck’s.  Good luck with that one!  We settled on a Dunkin Doughnuts coffee, which was wet and hot and kept Jo happy for a while.  We decided to drive south along Cayuga Lake, the longest of the Finger Lakes.  The scenery was wonderful.




IMG_2688At one point we wanted to stop in a state park and take a photo, but we were told we would have to pay $7.50 for the privilege.  So we backtracked and found Taughannock Falls, a beautiful waterfall, which turned out to be a much better picture and free, to boot!




IMG_2693IMG_2697IMG_2701We continued on and the scenery along the way was beautiful and the road was straight and fairly empty.  A nice Sunday drive in the country!



IMG_2702IMG_2704And while we were driving a Porsche Boxster, others were driving their horse and buggy!  We are amazed at how many Amish communities we have come across in our journey.  I guess I was under the misconception that the Amish were mostly in Pennsyvania and Iowa.  Boy, was I ever wrong!

IMG_2708And we came across more barn quilts, this one was especially pretty.

IMG_2710Steve had to stop and get a picture of this “fire station”, because it is an “Engine and Hose Company”.




IMG_2716IMG_2732The day ended with a trip down memory lane for Jo.  It started when we drove by the house that she grew up in (from age 4 to 13).  This was followed by a drive by her old high school (Mohonasen).  After this we drove to the Airbnb where we are staying (Casa LaValley) and this is where it really got weird.  Turns out the hostess is the sister of one of Jo’s childhood friends, Pinky.  It truly is a small world.


IMG_2738We went to dinner and on the way back, had to take this photo in Dad’s memory.  Daddy, this one is for you!

The journey continues . . .

One Response to “Day 35 – Geneva, NY to Schenectady, NY”

  1. Bill says:

    Such familiar territory for us both..Are you stopping by to say hello to the gang at RPI? Bill

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