Day 47 – Boston, MA to Spring Valley, NY

IMG_3270IMG_3232IMG_3228Day 47 of #BoxsterRoadTrip and we have travelled from Boston, Massachusetts to Spring Valley, New York.

I will never complain about California roads again!

Thunk thunk thunk whomp thunk thunk thunk kerplunk thunk thunk thunk and so it goes!  There are more ruts and holes and gouges in these roads than one can imagine.  And no matter how hard you try, you can’t avoid them.  I am so glad Gunther talked us into replacing the struts on the Porsche before we left on this trip!

IMG_3229IMG_3241IMG_3247Today we were in four states:  Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York.  The fall color is pretty nice and the weather was, once again, sunny.


IMG_3258We left Boston about 9:00 am and headed south into Rhode Island.  Stopped for coffee and continued west into Connecticut.  The only stop we made after that was for a quick lunch and then across the Hudson River and on to Spring Valley, NY.  There were no planned sightseeing stops today.

We were a little homesick, so decided to have dinner at Bombay Grill in New City, NY.  Turned out to be an excellent choice.  Dinner was delicious!

Tomorrow we head south!

And the journey continues . . .

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