Day 48 – Spring Valley, NY to Kennett Square, PA

IMG_3305IMG_3306IMG_3286Day 48 of #BoxsterRoadTrip took us from Spring Valley, New York to Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.




IMG_3292IMG_3294When we left New York, it was overcast.  By the time we got to New Jersey it was pouring.  But when we got to Pennsylvania (and Delaware), the sun came out and the top came down!  And the scenery was beautiful.



IMG_3289IMG_3290Steve has voted Pennsylvania as the state with the worst drivers (so far).  The speed limit signs seem to only be suggestions and, if you aren’t doing 20 MPH OVER the limit, the drivers crawl up your tail pipe and get real aggressive.  We saw an 18-wheeler try to run a van off the road.  All we can say is “crazy”.

We are spending tomorrow sightseeing in and around Kennett Square.  Hopefully, in the sunshine!  And, hopefully, the Sunday drivers are a little more mellow!

The journey continues . . .


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