Day 5 of 83 – Vancouver, BC to Victoria, BC #BoxsterRoadTrip

IMG_1501 IMG_1505We left Vancouver and headed to the BC Ferry Terminal in Tsawwassen.  The trip from Tsawwassen to Schwartz Bay in Victoria was 90 minutes and the scenery along the way was beautiful.  Smooth sailing!


We arrived in Schwartz Bay around 12:30pm and headed to the Stonehouse Pub for lunch.  Steve had Shepherd’s Pie and Jo had Cumberland Sausage and Mash.  And, of course, a beer to go along with it.  Cute pub with great food and close to the BC Ferry Dock.


IMG_1522 IMG_1530 IMG_1514After lunch, we headed to Butchart Gardens.  All I can say is indescribably beautiful.  I only wished our garden looked like this!  But what struck me was not only the visual beauty, but also the fragrance.  Breathtaking!


By the time we got to our Victoria Airbnb, called Bright Studio in Old Town District, we were ready to call it a day.  We decided to pass on dinner out and just spend an evening relaxing.

The journey continues . . .

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