Day 53 – Chapel Hill, NC

Day 53 of #BoxsterRoadTrip is in sunny Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

We got up late (yawn) and Pam prepared us a delicious breakfast and we decided to spend the day reading and relaxing.  Around 2:00, Dennis returned from his golf tournament and happily told us he’d won the tournament.  We joked about the size of the purse (what purse?) and suggested he could finance the kitchen remodel.  The smile vanished!  🙂

IMG_3581IMG_3580IMG_3587At 5:00 we met up with Chris and his lovely wife Dulcie and the six of us (Pam and Dennis included) enjoyed a beer and some nice background music at The Roost in Fearrington Village.  After the beer, we took a little walk around the area and got to meet the village pets – a flock of very quiet and very neat sheep.

IMG_3588Having worked up an appetite, we followed up the walk with dinner at Antonia’s in Hillsborough, where the food was almost as good as the conversation!  It was great to get caught up with Chris, meet Dulcie, and break bread with good friends.

Tomorrow, even though we remain in Chapel Hill . . .

The journey continues


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