Day 59 – Side Trip to Beaufort, SC

Day 59 of #BoxsterRoadTrip is another side trip day, this time to Beaufort, South Carolina.

After a leisurely breakfast, Pam, Dennis, Steve & Jo headed off for a day of sightseeing in Beaufort, SC and then in Bluffton, SC.

IMG_3770IMG_3771We started in historic Beaufort, with a walk first through the old town (which is now mostly shops, some with beautiful handcrafted items) and then with a walk along the bay front.  While walking along the bay front, we discovered that there were lovely swings to sit on a look out over the bay.  While gazing across the bay, we noticed that the bridge was in the process of turning to let a sailboat through.


IMG_3778IMG_3781IMG_3780We then walked down a couple of streets with older homes and moss covered trees and we noticed the homes had blue ceilings over their porches.  We learned (from Pam) that the ceilings are painted blue to trick the birds into thinking it is the sky, so they won’t build nests on the front porches.  Kinda cool, eh?

After Beaufort, we went to the historic area of Bluffton, which it turned out, was mostly shops (and a great little French bakery called Midnight Bakers).


IMG_3784We ended the day with dinner at the Backyard (same as last night).  Again food was delicious and Jo even had a Lemon Shine!  Great end to a great day.

Tomorrow Pam and Dennis head back to Chapel Hill and Jo and Steve do a little more sightseeing and (yeah!) get a massage before hitting the road again.  Because, as you know by now . . .

The journey continues. . .

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