Day 60 – Relaxing in Hilton Head

Day 60 of #BoxsterRoadTrip was a day set aside for relaxing.

We decided today would be a day to relax, do laundry, read and get a massage (so no photos!).  We did the first three – relaxed, did laundry and read.  Then, in the late afternoon, we left to get our scheduled massage at Hilton Head Massage Therapy Associates.  Imagine our disappointment when we were told they would not honor our scheduled appointment for a couples massage because one of the therapists had a headache!  What about the other therapist?  All I can say is, if you are in Hilton Head and want a massage, don’t take a chance on these folks or you could get stood up and summarily sent away like we did.  Not a great way to treat customers (or show southern hospitality).  We really did wonder why the other therapist couldn’t have taken us.

Tomorrow we head to Florida and . . .

The journey continues . . .

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