Last Minute Thoughts

With only five days to go, we are down to the last minute thoughts and things to do.  We decided it would be a good idea to put a coat of wax on the car before we leave (knowing we will encounter a few bugs along the way)!  Stopped by America’s Tire and had them check the tires (including the spare).  Tires are good to go!

We have been watching the weather and that seems to be hubby’s biggest concern.  He has only lived in the Bay Area and in Maryland, so the rest of the country’s weather is a mystery to him.  He is convinced we will be chased across the Midwest by tornados and that we will have to park the Boxster in high-rise parking lots to avoid the floods.  I just chuckle.  He is in for the trip of his life!

One Response to “Last Minute Thoughts”

  1. Barbie says:

    I am so excited for both of you! I can’t wait to read about your adventures. I will be waiting with excitement every day to see what you post next. I’m sure it will be a trip of a lifetime! Enjoy…

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