Day 72 – Visiting Friends in Dallas

Day 72 of #BoxsterRoadTrip and we are visiting friends in Dallas.

(Today is written by Steve).  Okay, you are right, we are late writing this blog.  Today has been both hectic, exciting and a walk down memory lane (for Jo).  The day started with a bit of a sleep-in, followed by a frantic search for a Starbucks.  Dallas road construction and major fly-overs are a lot safer and easier in the daylight!

judy_joNext stop was Judy’s.  Judy had pre-warned us that no GPS could find her home and she gave us excellent directions via email.  Well, in fact, both worked and J & J met up again face to face for the first time in over 30 years.  I heard Jo whisper under her breath “Damn, she looks good!!!”.  The next four hours went by far too quickly for all the questions and stories to be asked and recounted.  For me (Steve), this was a fascinating and lovely time to see these two friends catching up.

But then it was on to our next reunion – via Starbucks, of course.  Did someone say Jo liked coffee?  Did I also mention that I forgot the camera today (of all days)?

20141111_193051The wind was starting to pick up and temperatures were dropping as we made our way to meet up with Jerry and Nancy at Maguire’s for dinner.  These two old friends of Jo’s and strangers to Steve walked into the restaurant, we all embraced, and suddenly we were all good friends and it was as if everyone had known each other for years.  And those years during which we had not seen each other were relived at the speed of light through tales and stories.  Boy, can the girls talk!  The evening went by too fast, just like our time with Judy did earlier in the day.

So, it was now back to our host Bob and his lovely home to crash, prepare for tomorrow, and write the blog (we got two done).  Tomorrow . . .

The journey continues . . .



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