Day 75 – Amarillo, TX to Albuquerque, NM

Day 75 of #BoxsterRoadTrip takes us from frigid (Amaraillo) Canyon, Texas to warm Albuquerque, New Mexico.

IMG_4236IMG_4243IMG_4238When we left Canyon, Texas, it was 21 degrees with a wind chill factor of 10 degrees.  Even after warming the car up for 10 minutes, the floor boards were still so cold you could feel the coldess through your shoes and socks.  And the clutch pedal squeaked each time I clutched.  BRRRRRR.  We were going to go to Cadillac Ranch but forgot to program it into the GPS and missed it.  By the time we thought about it, we were 25 miles beyond it and did not want to go back.  And, besides, it was too darn cold to get out of the car to see it anyway!  Even the ponds in Texas were frozen over!  So we traveled west, in search of warmer weather and New Mexico.


IMG_4251IMG_4259IMG_4266After we reached New Mexico the temperature started to go up.  From the 20’s to the 30’s to the 40’s and finally 58 degrees in Albuquerque.  It felt almost tropical!

We didn’t realize how much we were going to climb today, but we reached an altitude of 7,055 feet at one point.  And there was some snow along the roads (but not enough to worry us).

Once we reached Albuquerque we stopped for an early dinner and I took a photo of Steve after he enjoyed a great meal and Margarita!  Amazing what some warm weather and a good meal will do!!!

New Mexico is our 44th state.  Tomorrow we head to Colorado, which will be number 45 and . . .

The journey continues . . .

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