Day 77 – Durango, CO to Grand Canyon, AZ

Day 77 of #BoxsterRoadTrip takes us from Durango, Colorado to the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

IMG_4337IMG_4383IMG_4381We left the lovely Airbnb 2nd Wind Aspen Room in Durango and headed toward the Four Corners Monument, the one place in the USA where four states intersect.  However, the weather turned very ugly, with visibility almost zero.  So we decided seeing the monument was not worth the risk and we turned around and headed south.  This added about 30% more to our planned miles and time, but without the stress of the weather conditions we had encountered on the northern route!  So, all in all, we put 468 miles on the car today!  Yawn . . .


IMG_4398IMG_4399IMG_4403So we left Colorado and crossed back into New Mexico, this time heading south to Gallup and then jumping on I-40, where we could travel at 75 MPH.  Most of the journey was uneventful.  Most of I-40 tracks the old Route 66, which is kind of fun and scenic.  However, it is long and even though the altitude ranges from 4500 to 7500 feet, it is mostly what I would call high desert.


IMG_4413IMG_4438IMG_4424We ultimately crossed into Arizona, our 46th state.  Two more to go!  We continued traveling west until we passed Flagstaff and got to Williams, where we turned due north on Arizona 64, which takes you straight (literally) to the Grand Canyon.  By the time we got to the Canyon, it was almost dark, so we checked in and went for dinner.  Tomorrow will be our day of sightseeing.  Oh, and the temperature is a brisk 19 degrees (which is MINUS 7 for my Celsius friends).

We are spending the night at the Thunderbird Lodge, so we will be able to maximize the time we have in this lovely National Park.  Tomorrow, we bundle up and . . .

The journey continues . . .

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