Day 81 – Ventura, CA to the Bay Area (and home)

Day 81 of #BoxsterRoadTrip and we are traveling from Ventura, California to the Bay Area and HOME!!!IMG_4929

We said this trip was going to be 83 days and we cut it by two.  It was 81 days.  Almost 12 weeks, but not quite.  Yep, we got a little bit homesick!

IMG_4932IMG_4944We left Ventura after breakfast and headed north on US-101.  We decided we would take Highway 1 (the Coast Highway) if the sun came out or stay on US-101 if it was raining.  The rain won out (which is actually great news for Californians), so US-101 it was!  Not quite as scenic, but we’ve done the coastal highway a number of times.  I say not as scenic, but California is always beautiful to us!


IMG_4943IMG_4947I know you’ve heard about the drought, but I wanted to let you see it.  The hills are brown (golden) and there are stretches of the valley that should be green with crops and all you see is plowed ground, waiting for rain and a time when the farmers can once again grow their crops.

The vineyards, however, seem to be doing okay and, who knows, this could be a good wine year!  I’m bet the dry ground is forcing the roots of the vines to go deeper, which might be a good thing.


IMG_4952IMG_4954We continued up the coast and the weather stayed grey, with intermittent rain.  But, by the time we got home, it was pouring.  Yeah!  We stopped at the grocery store and bought a few necessities (but not too much cuz there wasn’t any spare space in the Boxster) and then pulled into our driveway at about 4:00 pm.

It was wonderful to get home.   We spent the next few hours going through 3 months of mail and paying bills.  Back to reality!

I will write one more blog, summarizing everything.  How many miles, how much gas, high points, low points, everything we can think of to help anyone else who might want to try a 48 State Roadtrip (which we recommend).  And now I can finally say . . .

The journey is over (or is it?)!


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